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Project Papers & Newsletters

START4Girls Learning Papers and Success Impact Stories

Learning activities are informing the answering of the below, learning questions.

Learning Question 1

What factors are affecting the re-integration of pregnant girls back into school and in the community, and how can the operationalization of the re-admission policy be supported at community and school levels? .

Learning Question 2

How best can we use community led feminist approaches to address harmful gender norms that contribute to child marriages? .

Learning Question 3

What approaches can be used to assist parents, traditional leaders and community leaders to be comfortable to dialogue SRHR issues? ‘

Learning Question 4

How can men and boys be effectively engaged to support women and girls on MHM issues?

Learning Question 5

What are the current in-school career development programmes / interventions and are they meeting the needs of learners and oos in preparation for post-school economic life?

Learning Question 6

To what extent are secondary schools and TVET centres providing services for the differentiated needs of all learners with disabilities?

Sarah from Makumbe High in Buhera -Success-Story

Sarah Makumbe (15) is a form three student from Moses the Prophet secondary School who resides in Muzivi village, ward 11 under headman Nemhari. Sarah is an adolescent girl from divorced parents. After the divorce of her parents at a very tender age, Sarah was adopted by her aunt (mum’s sister) who stays with her alongside her children in a household of 8 people.

Vision Chemhere from Madzivire Secondary School in Buhera Success Story

Meet Vision Chemhere, a girl learner from Madzivire Secondary School, Buhera. Her parents separated before she started Grade 1 and from then onwards, she and her two siblings stayed with her grandmother and disabled grandfather .

Zvikomborero Kufa from Gosho Secondary in Buhera eccess Story

Zvikomborero Kufa’s journey from struggling to come to school to being selected for a girl’s leadership camp is a testament to her determination and resilience. Despite coming from a polygamous family of 12, with her being the 9th child, Zvikomborero Kufa has overcome numerous obstacles to pursue her education including her religion the apostolic sect

Lorraine-St Johns Chifamba in Buhera Success Story

Loraine Nyadundu was part of the cohort class the completed Form 4 in 2023 at St Johns Chifamba High School. The school is located 20km north-east from Murambinda Growth Point. A dusty road meanders to the newly found lithium mines that have transformed the Gaza shopping center to a hub of activity with mine labors and truck drivers more visible by the highway leading to the mines

Marvelous Mubekapi from St Johns Secondary School in Buhera Success Story

Marvelous Mubekapi was cohort pupil at St Johns High School. She grew up in a maternal family. Clothing and food were always inadequate, worse still the payment of fees was unheard of. The strict school authorities would not let into the school pupils with school fees arrears .

Emily Tivafire-Betera-Seccess Story

Emily Tivafire’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and support systems such as the government and non-profit organisations that compliments government effort such as CARE International in Zimbabwe through projects like the START4Girls project in empowering young girls to overcome adversity and continue with their education.