124 Churchill Avenue,

Gunhill, Harare

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(024) 2708115

Supporting Transition, Retention and Training for Girls


A gender focused and resilience building developmental initiative

A 4 Year Project (2020 – 2024)

Welcome To Start4Girls

The START4Girls project  aims to strengthen the agency and capacities of adolescent girls and young women and the broader education ecosystem that supports them; strengthen the systemic and structural education policies that are gender aware and priorities the needs of girls and young people with disabilities; increase resilience, safety and risk awareness and preparedness in schools; provide equitable access and choices within a diverse range of technical and vocational opportunities for women and girls. The project aims to strengthen the agency and capacities of adolescent girls and young women aged 12-22 years through three main pillars which are:

About Start4Girls

START4Girls project being implemented by Care International in Zimbabwe (CIZ) through funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in Zimbabwe in Mutare and Buhera districts.

Direct Project Reach
Indirect Reach

Our Services


The START4Girls project  aims to strengthen the agency and capacities of adolescent girls and young women and the broader education ecosystem that supports them; strengthen the systemic and structural education policies that are gender aware and priorities the needs of girls and persons with disabilities; increase resilience, safety and risk awareness and preparedness in schools; provide equitable access and choices within a diverse range of technical and vocational opportunities for women and girls.

Pillar 1: Gender and Social Norms

A social and cultural construct, which
distinguishes differences in the attributes of men and women, girls and boys, and accordingly refers to the roles and responsibilities of men and women. The project therefore making efforts to achieve gender equality, gender balance, gender parity, reduce gender blindness and to end gender-based violence.

Pillar 3: Skills Development and Women Economic Empowerment.

The project aim to increases women’s access to economic resources and opportunities including jobs, financial services, property and other productive assets, skills development and market information

Pillar 2: Education Systems and Structures

Education is a fundamental human right. The project is deliberately targeting women and girls irrespective of race, gender, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion or political preference, age or disability, is entitled to access to elementary education

Pillar 4: Monitoring and Evaluation

The project is using a systematic approach that has been developed to measure and assess the success and performance of project, programs create an enabling environment for capacity building for women and girls as well as support the project partners in improving service delivery.

The ultimate goal of the project is to improve
attendance, retention, completion and transition rates of adolescent girls and young women

START4Girls project is working with adolescent girls and young women, their communities, religious and traditional leaders and Guidance and Counselling facilitators in schools and school communities to promote the sustained stay in education, and the return to school and entrance into vocational training skills of adolescent girls and young women including those with disabilities.

Start4Girls Featured Works

Layering and sequencing of project activities to allow concurrent implementation and multiplied impact.

VSLA Groups

VSLA Groups

Women Empowerment



Empowering girls through education.

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Gender Balance and Parity

Group Discussions

Group Discussions

Empowering Women

Participatory Scenario Planning

Participatory Scenario Planning

Participatory Scenario Planning workshop for school and community

Capacity Building and Stakeholder Linkages.

Capacity Building and Stakeholder Linkages.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus


START4Girls: Increasing equitable access and utilization of relevant, diverse, and accessible technical and vocational skills training opportunities to adolescent girls and young women

Grace Moyo
    Grace Moyo

    Learner at Mutare High

    I received study packs. Thank you Start4Girls

    Patience Maita
      Patience Maita

      Learner at Buhera High

      I participated in peer-to-peer platforms through the Start4girls project support

      Ashly Tembo
        Ashly Tembo

        Learner at Chiyadzwa

        I am participating in Start4Girls project girls’ leadership camp

        Our Partners